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Wednesday, April 3, 2013


It’s no secret that far fewer people are using landline and home phone service nowadays. After all, more and more people have gone full time with their mobile and wireless phones, and they find that the more dependable these phones become, they just don’t need a home phone or landline to match up with their cell phones.

But what if there were a way that you could get both a wireless plan and a home phone, all rolled into one, with a solid plan and more? There are positives and negatives to this arrangement, but it should be known that you can use a wireless phone and wireless services plans as your home phone plan, too, in a professional and efficient way.

Verizon, AT&T, and several other major mobile and wireless carriers all offer a home phone option on their wireless plans that can double as your home phone with security and effectiveness. Under the plan, these phones have stand alone service for your home, and can be added as an add-a-line option on your family plan, so you can use what works when it comes to getting a second line or a home line should you feel the need.

In addition, there are now pre-paid AT&T home phone service plans for people who want something specific and a pre-determined amount and bill to pay when it comes to home phone services and more in time.

While most attempts to bridge the gap between the mobile experience and landline home phones just haven’t worked out, AT&T and others are wagering that it can still work and that people can still find value and more when it comes to getting and filling out the right options for pre-paid and home phone services.

With AT&T, for example, you can plug your wired phones into a cellular hub in your home in this plan and pay for unlimited US-wide calls and other international options, treating your mobile phone as your home phone and saving a great deal of money while having it serve as your land line. In addition, you get the best of both worlds when it comes to phone services in this manner, since you also get the ability to un-plug the phone itself and use it as your normal cell phone.

It’s a funny thing to think about home phone and landline service, especially considering where we’ve come from; after all, phone technology of the past fifteen years has increasingly gone mobile and more – but today, it appears there is a resurgence out there for home phone and landline services and a desire for people to be able to use these services at a cost-efficient way and in a cost-efficient manner.

Only time will tell if AT&T’s new prepaid plans work, or if home phone services will die out, but regardless, it’s a solid option for people looking for the best when it comes to home phone options that can be flexed into their mobile and wireless phone plans and contracts!

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