Delmarva Discounts

Delmarva Discounts
Delmarva Discounts was established in 2001. We started as independent agents in the telecom industry in 1998, offering consulting services online since March 2000.

Local Phone Service Quote Tool

Use this lookup tool to see phone service and bundled plans offered in your area:

Monday, November 1, 2010

Wireless Phone Plans

Wireless Phone Plans- Save when you order wireless phones and service plans online. If you have a cell phone, you usually need a plan. While there are prepaid cell phones and pay as you go wireless options, it often makes the most sense to get a standard contract plan from a major wireless carrier. You may think all wireless phone providers are the same, but there are many different plan options and different wireless providers offer different levels of coverage and quality of cellular service depending on your location and needs.

Home: discount wireless phones

Television Packages

Television and other entertainment services such as internet can be purchased in packages from your local cable tv company. These television packages normally include a digital television service along with a high speed internet plan and voip phone plan or other digital home phone service.

Home: discount internet services

High Speed Internet

High Speed Internet is more affordable than ever with multiple ISP vendors competing for your business. You can get high speed internet packages from your local telephone, cable, or internet company. These services can be bought stand-alone or in a bundled package with other services, called a triple playt internet package or triple plae cable bundle.

Home: discount high speed internet

Calling Cards

Save Money on your long distance and international calling with discount calling cards, which you can buy online.

Home: discount calling cards

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

VOIP Phone

VOIP phone is a digital phone service that allows you to make telephone calls over your home's high speed internet access line. This could be a cable internet service or a digital internet line from your phone company. The voice over internet is a very popular service often packaged with internet and sometimes television cable bundles. Since you need high speed internet service to use a voip telephone service, it makes sense for phone and cable companies to offer these services as a bundle. When they add the option of digital tv they offer what is called a triple play bundle, where 3 related home entertainment services are sold from one company on the same bill.

home: discount voip phone

Monday, February 1, 2010

Toll Free Service

Toll Free Service can be a good value for business as well as personal use. Having a toll free number can allow a business to appear more professional as well as allow customers to call from long distance for free. While long distance charges aren't as significant as they used to be many potential customers still have to pay long distance charges. Having a toll free or 1-800 number is a convenience.

Toll free numbers also come in 877,866,888 and other exchanges in addition to the 800 toll free numbers. Businesses can use toll free numbers for national sales cmapiagns, for receiving orders, and call center order fulfillment.

Why would an individual person or family use a toll free number? A lot of families started using toll free numbers so their children could call them for free at any time. These include families who want their college children to call home without racking up their own long distance charges. The parents can control and pay for the costs this way. Toll free numbers are also good in emegrencies when a child does not have a cell phone or funds to pay for a pay phone call. A per minute charge and low monthly fee for toll free service can provide considerable savings over collect calls.

home: discount toll free service