Delmarva Discounts

Delmarva Discounts
Delmarva Discounts was established in 2001. We started as independent agents in the telecom industry in 1998, offering consulting services online since March 2000.

Local Phone Service Quote Tool

Use this lookup tool to see phone service and bundled plans offered in your area:

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Conference Calling

Conference Calling is a good tool for communicating with groups, whether business organizational or personal. Use business conference calling to get your team on the same page or use conference calls with your family or friends who are spread out. Conference calling is very affordable and an easy way to stay in tough and communicate with multiple people.

Home: discount conference calling

Saturday, November 1, 2008

AT&T Internet and Phone Deals

For AT&T Home Internet and Phone discounts, you can search online using a tool or "widget" that uses your location to find the deals in your area. For example if you put in your phone number or address you can see what AT&T internet deals are available:

Powered By AT&T

Friday, August 1, 2008

Web Hosting

Web hosting packages can be ordered online for a fraction of the cost that was charged in the early days of the internet. Small time hobbyists and "real" internet businesses alike can choose from many packages from premium webhosting providers. Often a shared hosting package on the small business level can be sufficient for hosting most websites or a network of small web pages. If your needs are greater, consider a larger shared paackage or a dedicated server package.

Home: discount web hosting

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Cell Phones

Cell phones are available from many major carriers, and you can now shop for cell phones online.

Home: discount cell phones